ERP for Fashion retail management

Streamlining Fashion Retail for Next-Level Customer Connections

Tailored Customer Profiling

Create profiles based on geographical data, store association attributes, sales history, overall buying patterns and behaviors.

Privacy & Preferences

Create privacy card, logs and register contact preferences for marketing activities.

Transaction Records

Create detailed records for transaction history, product categories, size, discounts, shipping information and much more.

Create amazing customer experiences

Provide seamless, end-to-end customer service experiences within a single solution built on top of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central to deliver consistent, connected support across channels.

Sales and commissions management

Job Costing

Job Purchasing / Payables

Project Management

Progress Billings

With just a few clicks, you can learn estimated versus actual value for a fiscal period, the number of products sold based on specific collection or season, the number of new clients, and more relevant key figures.

With VogueIn™ you can easily monitor and measure:

Collect customer feedback

Engage and build relationships with your clients:

Marketing capabilities